let me know if u r able to solve this puzzle . You can use comments section for your solutions and replies.
The theoretical concept mentioned in the following url is overtaken...with a little bit of special touch/approach...
so, let me know if u r able to solve this puzzle.
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the solution is simple. unless you relax one restriction you could not get the solution. you may say i am lying. is this true or false? that is, consider the following statement. "This statement is False" is this statement true or false? There are few problems in mathematics which has no solutions. soon i will write a thread on Problems and solutions.
At first sight Supuzzle is very simple game, but after several tries I started to think that it is an impossible one.
I am addicted to this game
Mathematically Impossible - Yes
Enough proof from an URL, is made available to this blog readers, before you would have started solving this puzzle.
Flashmatically Impossible - No
You can win this game. There is a trick.
Referring to your solution, i wish to make certain points clear. First of all, What is a solution?
The solution seems to work, it appears to be correct but it is not exactly correct. To understand this concept we should know the following facts.
When the Problem has possibility of solution, then it is totally solvable.
When the Problem has no possibility of solution, then it is unsolvable.
When the Problem with some restrictions, has possibility of solution, then it is semi-solvable or partially solvable.
Hence the solution you have shown is partially solvable based on the fact that one route is flausibly connected.
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