Monday, November 26, 2007

Be a Mad Person

I am a MAD Person. I mean Mathematical Ability Developing Person. I wish all of you to become MAD persons.
To begin with how to scratch your brain ( Boolean Randomized Algebraic Integral Numero nerves - explain this if you can !) to show you the beauty of Mathematics in my forthcoming blog articles, i shall raise the following questions.
Question no 1.
The definition of a set given by George Cantor was disproved by Betrand Russell. So could you define a set?
Question no 2.
Why a tripod has only three legs?
Question no 3.
What is the role of DS1 in the mathematics world? (that is in which context the term DS1 is used in mathematics? (or the relation between DS1 and Mathematics)


kiran said...

tripous is a greek word, meaning "three feet". I think thatz the reason "tripod" which would have come from it, usually denotes three legged object.

kiran said...

I think DS refers to "Discrete Structures" in mathematics.

வீரராகவன் said...

The clue for the answer for why tripod has only three legs lies in the axioms of geometry. to understand the question bettter, which chair you prefer? 3 legs or 4 legs? similarly which platform is suitable for the camera stand ? 3 legs or four legs? think !

வீரராகவன் said...

clue for the first question about the definition of a set is "topology".
the Answer for the second question is based on the following axiom. three non collinear points will always determine a plane Hence even if one leg is shorter or lengthier than other two still it will determine a surface and preserve equilibrium. Hence the answer.
the answer for the third question about the role of DS1 lies in the above context